Hi everyone, thanks for taking the time to visit my newly born blog!

So, this is my first post and – as every other self-absorbed blogger’s first post, is going to be a kind of introduction on myself and on what this blog is going to be about.

But let’s start with the easy part – who am I?

10 random facts about me

  1. My name is Melanie, I’m 25 and I have been living in the UK for almost 4 years now
  2. I am Italian, but my mom is Spanish – which makes me bilingual!
  3. I have a degree in Economics and Finance
  4. If someone could have a master’s degree in watching TV series that would be me. Seriously, you’ll find it difficult to find a series I didn’t watch.
  5. I love travelling (duh?) but didn’t have enough money to do it up until a couple of years ago
  6. I have a cat and her name is Lina 🙂
  7. Books I love: biographies, historic and thriller novels.
  8. I broke my knee three times and suffer from chronic back pain (and this is the excuse I use for being incredibly lazy when it comes to hiking)
  9. I love Southeast Asian cuisine – I could kill for some Pad Thai and Chicken Satay.
  10. Last but not least, I prefer tea over coffee. I guess I’ve always been a little British on the inside.

Why did I start a travel blog?

Now let’s get into the real reason why you are reading this: why on Earth did I start this blog?

Well, I guess that one of the main reasons why I wanted to start this blog was to give a voice to all the people like me who are not full-time travellers.

Did you notice that when you search on the internet for some inspiration/information/tips on a journey you always end up on a full-time traveller blog?

Don’t get me wrong, I am glad such blogs exist, they surely give something to dream about. HOWEVER. I still have my 9-5 job, I go on big trips once a year and have maybe another two/three smaller trips in a year. For this reason, I never felt like I found a space online where I could talk and confront my experiences with people who have my same travel habits. And I also could not afford to travel the way the full-time travellers do.

So yes, on my blog you won’t find the ultimate guide to any country in the world. Nor you will find the typical ‘how to fly for free’/’how to sleep for free in a 5-star hotel’ kind of posts. Nope.

I’d like to keep it simple: here you will find my experiences and humble tips. From an amateur traveller to amateur travellers.

What do you think so far?

So guys, basically the ultimate reason for this website is to share my experiences but mostly to hear from you! I’d like this to be a platform where you can feel free to share your own experience or share some useful tips or to just say hi – you will always be welcome to do so!

Thank you for your time – I’ll wait for you on my next post!