Hi there! My name is Melanie and I am an amateur traveller

As most of the people reading this, I always dreamt of being that person who has travelled all over the globe. Since I can remember, I always wanted to see the world with my own eyes, to experience being in a new place where you meet new people and discover new cultures. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the opportunity do to so as much as I wanted up until recently. Namely, I was broke AF.
However, in the past few years, I started travelling more often. And while doing it, I also started to think about undertaking the journey into travel blogging. You see, I have been nesting the idea of creating a blog for quite some time and I eventually got myself to actually create it.

So – here we go. Welcome to The Lazy Traveller, my attempt at travel blogging.
In here you will mostly find my experiences (and incidents too!) from my trips. I will also try to provide you with all the information I dispose of regarding places I have been to.
But be aware: there’s a difference between me and most bloggers! I am not a full-time traveller. I still got my 9-5 job and try to fit all my trips in my 25 days holiday allowance! And this is probably the main reason why I wanted to start this blog. I wanted to give a voice to all those people who are travelling as a hobby – not a job. I wanted to create an online space to which they could relate to.
That’s it from me – If you’d like to get in touch just go to my contact page, I’d love to hear from you!